After a tonne of demand...

I have decided to release the biohacking part of my coaching program

Please note that this is not your average protocol. If your baseline health is poor and you are not serious about doing anything to change it, then this is certainly not for you.

If you are ready to take your health to the next level, then this is definitely for you.

What you get:

- In depth blood testing (Cardiovascular, UEC, Iron, Liver and vitamin status, Thyroid function, Sex Hormones, Organic Acids, Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids & Mineral/Metal Testing).
- Food allergy testing (Covers all food intolerances and what to avoid)
- DNA Test (92 Genes & 113 SNP's covering: Digestion, Energy, Hormones, Stress and Cognitive performance, Inflammation, Athletic Performance, DNA protection and repair).
- Methylation Test (In-depth analysis of methylation markers to learn how fast you are aging and how to prevent it).
- Custom-designed health protocol by my certified health specialist to suit the individual.
- Follow-up tests at Week 12 and Week 30 to review changes
- Post-test consults included (3 sessions).

This will require work and discipline.

This may also require you to make some significant lifestyle changes.

If you are not prepared to do this then please do not apply.

The cost to do this is: $5995.00 AUD

Should you have any underlying health conditions that require regular supplements or peptides. This is a cost you will incur separately.